The churches of Chadwell St Mary are:
Emmanuel Church on Sleepers Farm Road
St Mary's church on Linford Road, opposite Chadwell St Mary Library
Welcome to 2024!
Sunday Services:
9.30am every Sunday at Emmanuel:
All-age Worship on 2nd Sunday of each month,
Holy Communion on 3rd Sunday,
Morning Worship on the other weeks
11am every Sunday at St Mary's:
Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month,
All-age Worship on 2nd Sunday,
Morning Worship on the other weeks
All ages are welcome at every service.
What's going on through the week:
Connect Together:
Monthly Fellowship and reading the bible together around a theme.
Emmanuel Church
Next meeting at 2.15pm on Wednesday 13th November
'Little Fishes' toddlers group:
Emmanuel Church
Wednesdays 10am
Term time only (Cancelled during October 2024. Starts again on November 6th)
Craft Group for adults:
A quiet space to craft and chat at Emmanuel Church
1st and 3rd Wednesday afternoons 2.15-4.15pm
Card making - Knitting - Sewing - Beading - and more
£2 including materials, use of equipment and refreshments
(£1 if you prefer to bring your own project with you)
Contact Carol Saunders for more information: 07946 496172
Tea and Chat:
Emmanuel Church,
Fridays 10am til midday
Your first time? Just turn up and you will be made very welcome.
Saturdays at Emmanuel Church from 9.30 to 11am. Please contact Thurrock Foodbank (email [email protected] or telephone the free helpline 0808 2082138) if you know someone who needs a foodbank voucher.
Regular giving to the church can be set up online and allows you to include gift aid if you are a UK taxpayer: